现代物质社会在“吃人”/Ocean, often I have asked myself which is the easier to divine: the depth of the Ocean or the depth of the human heart. I may say that despite the depth of the ocean, it cannot be compared in this respect with the depth of the human heart.
爽翻看到半个多小时发现这没酒不行然后开了罐 Dead Pony Club导致之后脑子里时不时会有SNL里Stefon描述Club时的声音说着" This place has every thing." 也因为这部确实内容元素光怪陆离电影语言又应有尽有逻辑跳跃发散连接又精致丝滑剧本是导演在软禁在家期间制作人以“反正你也闲着”为理由找他改编的 elib.c c最终能够准备接拍后又因为白天要出庭受审所以所有拍摄都是在夜间进行的那两个月基本没怎么睡觉“经历着各式卡夫卡式的过程”不过也凑巧制造了最佳的创作心境自杀那段超级长镜头甚至是在开拍第一天完成的被导演戏称权当破冰团建了并且还被迫临时调整了拍摄地难以想象彩排的难度 那一段连狗都要卡点儿到位才行以及俄版海报和人物海报都很好看